
Get comfortable with Decision Automation

Explore the complexities of automating business decisions for improved decision-making

Paul Meinshausen and Schaun Wheeler talk about the key components behind decision-making and what goes into automating it in this discussion hosted by Arpit Choudhury. They emphasize that successful decision automation includes understanding the nuances of decision repeatability, outcome evaluation, user preferences, and business constraints. They discuss the importance of designing systems that can learn effectively from user interactions, the limitations of current approaches, and the ongoing need for human input to provide crucial context.


1. Decisions can be broken down into three components:

  • The decision set (options of the decision)

  • The outcome set (what happens based on decisions)

  • The information set (data relevant to making decisions)

2. Decisions can be described to see how they can be handed to machines. This can be done based on criteria such as whether the decision is answer set constrained and the repeatability and frequency of the decision.

3. Recognizing which problems are constrained and repeatable can help leverage past experience to tackle them systematically and save a lot of time.

4. Identifying the information relevant to making a decision helps constrain the decision set.

5. Recommender Systems are well suited for large decision sets with thousands of options. They should share relevant information to learn about users while not overwhelming them. The way information is presented affects both user decisions and system learning.

6. In decision automation, humans are needed to provide context and business constraints, and design interfaces that capture meaningful signals from users. We can show AI agents how to make decisions like we do.

7. Challenges in Decision Automation:

  • There's often a mismatch between available data and user preferences.

  • Business problems often involve opinions rather than facts, making outcome evaluation difficult.

  • Most software are built so that the burden of making something repeatable and learning from that repetition falls on humans. 

  • When relevant information is not shared with users, it can make it difficult for agents to understand the information influencing users’ preferences and limit effectiveness.


  • 00:00 Machines and decisions

  • 04:30 What is a decision?

  • 06:32 Constrained, repeatable problems

  • 08:00 Components of a decision

  • 09:03 The answer set

  • 12:00 Constrained resources

  • 12:58 Repeatability and frequency

  • 15:21 Delivering recommendations

  • 16:55 Evaluating outcomes

  • 19:44 LLMs making decisions

  • 22:03 Facts and inference

  • 24:13 Not just for users

  • 27:14 The information set

  • 28:33 How recommender systems evaluate answers

  • 31:12 Relevant information and why we automate decisions